How to Stretch Your Deflated Network of Those that Can Help You Find Work

networkingfriendsMany job seekers have or are facing long-term unemployment. One of the side effects of going long bouts without work is called “shrinking world syndrome,” in which  job seekers fall into repeated patterns of inefficiency. It becomes harder and harder to break out of a rut as the world feels like it shrinks.

If you feel like your professional world is shrinking, you may feel increasingly helpless when trying to connect and grow your network. You could be struggling with ideas on how to utilize the small network that you still have. Here are some ways you can take advantage of your smaller network to regrow a shrinking professional world.

Sometimes, Weak Ties are the Best Ties
Nearly 30 years ago, a study by Johns Hopkins University showed that the best leads for job opportunities are more likely to come from more distant colleagues and friends as opposed to the closest ones. This isn’t because your close friends don’t give good recommendations, but because they are more likely to know about the same job openings, while the job openings known to more distant colleagues- those with whom you don’t interact very often- are not as likely to be known to your own friends.

The Hopkins University conclusion of opportunities coming from distant connections remains true today.  A recent academic study  shows venture capital firms concentrated in the traditional tech centers do better than other firms primarily because they “cast a wide, public net,” harvesting the results of their weak ties. Consider reconnecting with those old contacts you haven’t talked to in a while. They may have leads for you that your current network doesn’t.

Get Out of the House
Another step to take is to get out of the house. At least once a week, make a commitment to get out of the house and around other human beings, in person and face-to-face. It doesn’t have to be a huge networking meeting, but that can be one of the possibilities. It can also be doing something you enjoy, or meeting one-on-one with an old friend for coffee. Volunteering at local charities works great as well.

The main thing is to start an interaction at some level. Our world starts to expand when we share it with others. There are several websites to help you meet others. is a handy site to find like-minded people, and, depending on where you live, many groups can be related to your industry. Many LinkedIn groups also meet in person. So, check with the group organizer to see if they are organizing anything.  Group members often post events on LinkedIn, so look for ones that interest you as well.

Modern job searching is about making quality connections. Embrace getting to know others, and your network will get bigger. Sometimes meeting just one person can change your job search, but that can only happen if you make the effort to get out of the house. What are some ways you’ve made the most out of your network?

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Time to Replace Your Resume’s Objective Statement

resumeobjWith increasing regularity, job seekers draft a resume with an opening “objective statement” section without realizing this can be a turn-off to employers.  Objective statements, by definition, are a declaration of what you want out of your next position.  Think, “A stable position with room for advancement”.  However, employers rarely hire an applicant based on what the applicant wants, but rather based on what the applicant offers.

Objective versus Qualifications
In today’s demanding job market, the most effective job seekers are utilizing a “summary of qualifications” as the opening section to their resume in lieu of a traditional objective statement.  This summary of qualifications states what you are offering to a potential employer in terms of expertise and experience, causing the potential employer’s first impression of the applicant to be a synopsis of the positive impact you’ll make, rather than what you are demanding from your next employer.  At the end of the day, employers only invite a handful of applicants in for an interview and it makes sense that those job seekers who demonstrate what they offer, instead of highlighting what they demand in their next position, will be those lucky few chosen for the interview.

Change It Up
When you start your resume with an objective statement it may say, “Seeking an administrative position that works closely with customers and keeps the office organized and efficient,” instead of telling them what you want try kicking off your resume with an objective statement like this, “Organized administrative professional who types 55 words per minute, has supported a staff of eight in a fast-paced environment and effectively managed an office expense budget of $50,000 annually.”  By shifting the initial focus of your resume to what you bring to the table instead of what you are looking for in a job, you’ll help the potential employer picture you contributing to the team.

Time for a new job?  Click HERE for a list of jobs in Nashville TN!

Using Time Out of Work to Your Advantage

missionAn employment gap can be daunting, especially when you’re struggling to land a job and feel your work history gap is holding you back. Whether you’ve been laid off or chose to take a break from the workforce, it’s important to use your time to your advantage. Even when you’re spending much of your time job hunting, take time to focus on these five habits to build your resume and keep your skills current during an employment gap.

Read. Every field is different, but each one has trade publications that cover the latest news and trends specific to that industry. By reading trade publications, you’ll stay up-to-date on information you need to know to compete with other job candidates who haven’t left the industry. You can access many of these publications online or at your local library. Remaining knowledgeable about your profession will help you remain relevant to potential employers.

Volunteer. If you don’t use the skills you have, you lose them. In this competitive job market, it’s critical to keep your skills sharp and active. Consider volunteering in your community with an organization that will allow you to continue using your job skills. Then, list your volunteer activities and the skills you used on your resume to show potential employers your experience. Volunteering your time and talents will also allow you to build important contacts, helping to expand your job search.

Continue Your Education. Technology and training are always changing, which makes continued education an important differentiator. Community colleges and vocational schools often offer low-cost career development classes for adults, so enroll in a class that will benefit your job search and your skill set. Consider classes that focus on communication, computer technology, or industry specific courses that will build your knowledge base and elevate your value to employers.

Freelance. Much like volunteering, taking on a freelance project requires you to practice your skills, use your knowledge, and put your experience to work. Doing freelance work can also help you supplement your income while you search for a more consistent job. Seek out freelance opportunities from companies you’d like to work for full time. This can help you get your foot in the door and build your professional network.

Network. Now is a great time to build your network of those who know you personally and professionally. Continue to meet new people, reconnect with former co-workers and supervisors, and build on your current relationships to broaden your job opportunities. When you’re hunting for a job, sometimes your established network will be the first to tell you about a job or refer you for a position. By staying connected through your contacts, your name will be top of mind when employers begin looking for the right person for the job.

Instead of worrying about gaps in your work history, use your time wisely by building your resume, polishing your skills, and seeking out job opportunities. Give yourself an edge over your competition by focusing on these five habits when you’re without a job. Be persistent, and you may just land the job you’ve been working toward!

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Clean Your Workspace and Instantly Be More Productive

desk-infographic-01The old saying “a cluttered desk is a sign of genius” isn’t always true, and a messy desk can interfere with your productivity at work. Here are some quick hints to help you clear the workplace clutter and boost efficiency at work.

Trash Your Stash

Take a minute to quickly glance around your workspace. Odds are there will be some crumpled up pieces of paper, candy wrappers, empty paper cups, or junk mail laying around. If you have to ask whether it’s trash or not, don’t throw it away just yet. You can deal with that later. All you need to do right now is a basic sweep of your area for any obvious trash. As you scan, take the junk and throw it away. Don’t give too much thought in deciding if something is worth keeping or not. Just use a minute to locate and toss any obvious trash.

Proper Paper Piling

Write down all of your daily work duties like bills, receipts, invoices, reports, phone messages, or any other reasons you need to keep and separate pieces of paper. Take stacks from your work area and sort the papers into an area that matches one of your daily tasks list. You don’t need to figure out or make decisions on the tasks themselves, just sort them into neater stacks. It’s possible you’ll have to add categories as you sort, and you might find trash-worthy items along the way.

There’s no Place Like Home

Now that the paper is organized, look for miscellaneous items like books, folders, and tools that are lying around and put them back where they belong. You should try to keep your books and folders organized on a shelf or some place that’s easy to reach, but separate from your workplace. If you find items that don’t have a home in your work place yet, find a location that is away from the area you work in the most and come back to it later.

Seal with Sanitation

Now that everything is squared away or organized, take a minute to grab disinfectant wipes, or spray and a paper towel, and quickly wipe down the areas with high traffic in your workspace. For many, the work space is like a second home and more time is spent there than anywhere else. It’s important to keep that place clean not only from clutter, but also from germs and bacteria.

Be a Rock Star Worker

Congratulations! Your office is now cleaner and more organized. Now that you’ve taken the time to organize your stacks into categories, you have a clear list of duties to take care of when you get back to work. You’ll be amazed at how much you can accomplish if you take 10 to 15 minutes a day to deal with the piles of papers. Just deal with one category at a time and figure out your next plan of action on each piece of paper or information. What do you plan to do with all the free time achieved by your newly-found productivity? What are some quick and easy ways you’ve cleaned your workspace? Let us know in the comments section.

Time for a new job in Nashville TN?  Click here!

How to Build Trust with Your Boss

boss1There are many reasons you could start working with a new boss. You’ve started a new job, and you’re ready to serve your new supervisor. Or maybe a few years into your job, the management shifts and you have to start working for a new team leader. Whatever the reason, there may be a situation where you want to start building trust with a manager.

Unfortunately, trust isn’t earned overnight. Building trust is like growing a flower. It takes time and attention to grow properly, and needs to have strong roots to keep it from toppling over. If just starting out, it can be difficult to find a place to start or know what to do. Take a deep breath and take a look at these three helpful hints to build trust with your boss.

Under Promise and Over Deliver

Too often, new employees are very eager to impress their supervisors by taking on extra responsibilities and tasks in a shorter amount of time. While it does showcase your enthusiasm and drive, you could also set yourself up for failure. If you want your boss to see your strengths and talents in the long run, make obtainable goals for yourself and aim to accomplish more.

When you strive to finish your projects early, you have the opportunity to let your manager review your final product. This way, your boss will see that you are taking an active interest in your manager’s opinions and have the ambition to create better work quality.

Be Open, Honest, and Ready

Your boss may have different managing styles; some are more hands-on while others are more inclined to delegate and expect occasional updates. No matter how your boss works, you should try to match their style. Set up a schedule of updates for your active supervisor. If you have a more hands-off manager, have your accomplishments, plans, and ideas ready for when your boss wants an update. If you’re not sure, try a scheduled 30-minute meeting with your supervisor every week or every other week to make sure you are up to date with each other.

It’s also important to explain challenges or mistakes you’ve made. Mistakes happen and a good manager will understand and work with you to get the job done.  That kind of honesty can go a long way in building trust with your boss because you will be known for being honest when asking for feedback and opinions.

Go Beyond the Shift

Take some time to learn more about your boss on a casual basis. Learning more about your manager as a person can help develop a stronger rapport, which can help strengthen communication. By getting to know a manager on a more personal level, trust is built by connecting with their points of interest. Try going out to lunch a few times to get a glimpse of how your boss is outside of work and find out more about them. When the personal connection and trust has been built, ask for feedback during informal meetings. Developing relationships can create more trust with the relationship.

Building trust with your supervisor doesn’t have to be difficult, but it does take time and patience. Trust isn’t something that can be automatically granted. You have to earn it. If you follow these simple tips on how to build that trust, it can happen naturally, and you can become a better employee at the same time. What are some stories of how you and your boss have built trust?

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How to Calm Down When You Get Angry at Work

Anger21Work can be stressful at times. Whether it’s annoying coworkers, chaos in the office, or unruly clients and customers, we all have moments when we are tempted to let go of caution and give in to our anger. Starting a new job can bring a number of situations that can make your blood boil.

But, when we make decisions or say words in the heat of the moment, it usually ends up being the wrong choice. Here are some helpful hints to aid anger relief so you can keep a clear head when making decisions and thinking through problems.

Just Breathe

Breathing is a normal function in terms of staying alive, but taking the extra time to stop and take a few extra deep breaths can help calm you down. The more oxygen in your body, the more easily you can release physical tension.

There are several different breathing exercises you can try on your own. Take five minutes to breath from the diaphragm and use some of the breathing techniques that are right for you. Taking that time to breath can help you look at your situation with a level head so you can make a better decision on what to do.

Just Stroll

If things get to the boiling point, take 10 minutes and go for a walk. Besides the health benefits of walking, it also helps blow off steam and releases endorphins in your body.

Just Separate

Sometimes the best thing to do is remove yourself from the situation. If you can escape work for a few minutes, find a peaceful place to get away from whatever is making you angry. Being physically away from the situation can help you take a mental break and fuel better visualizations and guided imagery to help restore your peace of mind.

This can also help you reframe your situation. Many times, being in the middle of the action intensifies the situation more than it really is. Secluding yourself for a few minutes can help you see your situation differently and give you a different perspective.

Just Reflect

When you’re out walking or separating yourself from the situation, it’s important to look at yourself. Go through the situations in your head and see what your initial reactions would be and picture the consequences of those actions. Reflecting on your feelings about whatever is making you angry can help you make a better decision in the long run.

Sometimes two heads are better than one. If you haven’t found any luck calming down on your own, consider talking to one of your managers or a mentor and explain the situation. There’s a good chance they have been in a number of stressful situations where they have wanted to scream. Verbalizing your feelings with trusted individuals can also help you calm down.

When you are angry, you don’t make the best decisions. The things you say can harm your career. No matter the situation, there are always things you can do to calm yourself down before anger takes over rational thought. If you follow our helpful guidelines, you’ll be better able to keep yourself cool no matter how hot your work life gets.

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How to Discover What You are Really Good At

strengths-picture-for-blog“Where do I start?” seems to be one of the biggest and hardest questions to answer when stepping out into the job market.  For some, they know what they want to do for a career at for as long as they can remember. But for many, it’s hard to know what kind of job is right while still in college or as an adult.

For most, finding your strengths and talents, and then applying them to the job market is a harder process. Choosing a career path that fits your strengths can take time and research to figure out. To help point you in the right direction, here are some helpful hints to get your brain thinking about discovering your passions.

Do What You’re Doing

In your spare time, what do you usually find yourself doing? Grab a notepad and write down what your favorite activities and duties are throughout the week and see if any of them have practical application to a potential career.

You should also consider your interests. What are you most enthusiastic about? Make a list of what grabs your attention. What are your favorite books, TV shows, or movies? See what aspects of your favorite entertainment catches your eye.

Also, pay attention to what you struggle with or try to avoid. This can give you a clearer picture of what not to look for in a job. When looking for work, find the employers and industries that are void of these unpleasant experiences.

The Company You Keep

It can be beneficial to get advice from friends and family who have a different perspective on who you are and how you interact with the world. They will also notice how your body language reacts to different topics and situations. Ask your friends and loved ones what they notice about you, think you’re good at, and think you have a passion for. If more than one person has the same advice, you might be onto a real lead.

There are also several online quizzes and assessments that can help you get feedback on your personality, work ethic, and skill type. It’s important to understand yourself from not only your own perspective, but from others’ as well.

Playing, Practicing, and Professionalizing

Once you start finding your top passions or talents, play around with them. Find a safe environment to explore the possibilities that your talents can share. Find careers that focus on using your skills or interests, and investigate a day in the life of that job. The more comfortable you get with it, the better you’ll be able to work with it.

Once you get beyond just playing, work to improve your techniques and refine your skills. By practicing, you can learn the depths of your talent. You’ll soon learn whether it’s a true passion or more of a passing phase. Also, if it’s an area you’re interested in pursuing further, seek out a mentor for advice and direction. Even if the interest turns out to be temporary, you may notice what interested you about a particular characteristic of the activity.

Go out and use your talent. Find out what is required to have a job with your passion and work to achieve those requirements. You might have to take classes, get a certification, or take an internship to get beyond the passing hobby stage and become a true professional at your skill, but it’s worth it.

What are some methods you have used to discover your hidden strengths?

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Lunch Foods to Keep You Energized at Work

Food-Coma-At-WorkWe’ve all been there – 2:30 p.m. rolls around and our eyelids feel like they weigh 50 pounds. We start yawning, then stretch and squirm at our work station to stay awake. The mid-day food drain can impact your productivity at work and can be frowned upon by co-workers if you’re constantly yawning at meetings.

It’s time to ditch the drowsy and embrace the energy at work. By changing a few habits during your lunch break, you can find the energy you need to last the day and work stronger than ever. Here are some fun food ideas to help you stay awake and avoid the urge to take a nap at your desk.

Why Am I So Sleepy?
After eating, your body is diverting blood flow for the digestive process. While this blood flow can energize you, the heavier, fattier foods cause sluggishness. Eating sugary foods greatly increases blood sugar levels, causing the pancreas to release insulin. This causes the body to change the insulin into several enzymes until it finally gets into the brain and is converted into serotonin, a neurotransmitter that makes you feel sleepy.

Like a Checkbook, Keep it Balanced
One of the best ways to keep yourself fueled throughout the day is to make sure your lunch is complete with carbohydrates and low-fat protein. The good kind of carbs come from fiber in foods like fruits and vegetables, nuts, beans, and whole grains.

One of the best ways to combine these foods is with the classic sandwich. You can combine whole-grain breads, wraps, or pitas with high protein foods like lean meats, such as turkey, chicken, tuna, cheese, or eggs. You can complete it with assorted greens, sprouts, onions, tomatoes, or cucumbers to help give you some extra long-lasting carbs to keep you energized.

Eating sandwiches every day may get boring and you might get back in the habit of eating out. To add some variety to your lunch, consider bringing leftovers from previous dinners. They are a great food to bring because you can control the calories and portions to ensure it will be healthy yet filling. It wouldn’t be hard to cook a little extra at nights and bring your black bean casserole, soup, or chili to work throughout the week.

Less is More
Many starchy and carb-loaded foods take time to expand in your stomach to tell your body that it’s full, which causes you to still feel hungry after eating. Big meals take more effort to digest, which works your body harder and results in less oxygen and nutrition reaching your brain.

Another way to keep your energy level up during work is to spread your meals into smaller portions throughout the day instead of a big meal at lunch. Eating frequent, healthy snacks will keep your metabolism going and help you feel energized. Foods like fruits provide long-lasting carbs full, leaving you feeling energetic hours after consumption. Eating fiber in granola and oatmeal can also help keep you from feeling hungry and give you a vigorous boost as the day continues.

You don’t have to struggle keeping tempo with your after-lunch work schedule. If you eat healthier, smaller portions, you can maintain a high level of energy while feeling full and content all day. What are some foods you like to eat at lunch that keep you going all day?

If you are looking for work, here is a list of jobs in Nashville TN

Three Tips for Recovering from Being Fired

wrongful-terminationBeing fired can feel like the ultimate hit to your career, and it’s easy to think you’ll never recover. But, that’s not always the case. Despite the immediate emotions you may feel, losing your job doesn’t have to be so overwhelming.

As Paul Anderson, managing director of career management and job search firm ProLango Consulting Inc, told US News, “You shouldn’t hold onto the belief that you’re damaged goods or that another employer won’t offer you a more satisfying career option. Sometimes it really is a blessing…Just take advantage of that self-reflection opportunity to find something even better.”

If you’ve recently been let go from a job, here are three tips to help you recover. These tips will help you make the most of the situation, keep from doing any additional damage, and get your career back on track.

1. Be careful where and how you express your emotions.
It’s natural to feel angry, indignant, betrayed, and frightened after being fired, but airing your emotions via social media has the potential to really hurt you in the long-run. Nothing online is truly private anymore, and you don’t want future employers to uncover your rants. Even something as minimal as stating you were fired from a position in your resume is a no-no. There are certain things no resume should ever say, and “fired” is one of them. While it can be healthy and beneficial to talk through your emotions with a close friend or spouse, make sure to keep the negativity in check.

2. Take an honest look at the reason.
Once you’ve had time for the emotions to subside, you need to analyze why you were fired. If your employer told you specifically why, impartially consider their reasons and take responsibility for the part you played in your termination. Decide how you can improve and handle things differently in the future, and do everything you can to learn from the situation. Even if the termination was completely out of your hands and no fault lies with you, use this opportunity to analyze what happened so you can hopefully avoid a similar situation in the future.

3. Be tactful, not untruthful.
As you begin networking and applying for new jobs, you need to prepare yourself for the unavoidable question – “why did you leave?” Honesty is always the best policy, and lying is never acceptable in the job search process, but you can also find a way to answer the question with tact. In preparing for an interview after you’ve been fired, you need to formulate an answer that is truthful, straightforward, and that you’re comfortable giving. And, always remember – keep it positive!

Getting fired can be a very difficult thing, but don’t let it shape your future. With time and effort, you can recover and even come out better than before.

What about you? How have you handled being fired? What steps did you take to get back on your feet and find a new job? Share with us in the comment section below.

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5 Quick and Easy Steps for a Great First Impression!

first-impressionLike it or not first impressions carry some weight in your hunt for a new job. Whether you are heading to a job fair, attending a networking event, or going to a job interview you’ll want to make sure your first impression sends the right message.

1. Keep it simple.

When you’re networking or presenting work samples during an interview, chances are you’ll have a few belongings with you. While this is understandable, you don’t want to make it a nuisance. For example, if you’re at an association meeting make sure to have business cards in your shirt pocket or the outer pocket of a purse. You don’t want to have to dig through a backpack for them. In addition, try not to carry around a portfolio and a drink at a meeting, you won’t be able to shake hands or accept any handouts without awkwardly setting your other items down. Choose a simple glass or bottle of water at an interview over a cup of coffee that requires milk, cream, etc., it will help you stay focused on the meeting. Before you head out the door, take inventory of your belongings and see if you can leave anything behind that would reduce your personal clutter – remember less is more.

2. Check your scent.

Whether it’s heavy perfume or clothing scented with your favorite Thai restaurant, it’s best to be seen and not smelled. People can be sensitive to smells, and you wouldn’t want an interviewer distracted by your heavy cologne. Reduce scents by avoiding strong perfumes and scented lotions. Don’t eat at aromatic restaurants prior to meetings and make sure to combat bad breath after meals with mints or by brushing your teeth.

3. Match and mirror.

Take note of the mood and environment of any event and match your responses appropriately. You may typically be fairly informal in conversations, but if you’re being introduced as “Mr. Smith,” make sure to address others using their surname. If you’re at a company meal and no one orders an alcoholic drink, mirror their response and save your cocktail for another night. First impressions aren’t a time to make bold impressions. If your interviewer voices a strong opinion on upcoming legislation, it’s okay to share your understanding of the changes but avoid debating the issue at a first meeting. While it’s important to connect with others, it’s best to play it safe.

4. Step out.

The shoes make the man, right? Well not quite, but having clean and appropriate footwear does help set the right first impression. It’s not the time to break out your killer heels. Make sure your work boots have been cleaned from excessive dirt and repaired of any wear and tear. You don’t have to have new or expensive shoes, but consider taking your dress shoes for a professional shoe polish. You’ll be amazed what a difference this can make. Of course you can polish them yourself, but you need to do this sooner rather than later. When you’re heading to an interview, the last thing you want is to be late because you are cleaning your shoes.

5. Hats off.

Leave your baseball cap at home when you’re heading out to meet new people. Hats can make it hard for people to see your eyes, making conversation awkward. Also, fix your hair and avoid outrageous styles for first impressions. You don’t want people to remember your hair style, you want to be remembered for your thoughtful insights and engaging attitude. At the same time, make sure your hair is styled. Throwing it up in a ponytail may work for casual Friday, but when you want to look your best, put a little effort into fixing your hair.

While it may not be fair to judge a book by its cover, when it comes to first impressions, the best rule is to not do anything too extreme. While a conversational piece of jewelry is okay, wearing a tiara to stand out is taking it too far. Bringing a portfolio to show off your work samples is fine, requesting an easel for a flip chart and overhead projector for your PowerPoint is overboard. The less you have to handle, the more you can focus on connecting with your new contacts.

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